# 2014 June 17 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #************************************************************************* # # This file is focused on OOM errors. # source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl] source $testdir/malloc_common.tcl set testprefix fts5fault4 # If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is not defined, omit this file. ifcapable !fts5 { finish_test return } set ::TMPDBERROR [list 1 \ {unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables} ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # An OOM while dropping an fts5 table. # db func rnddoc fts5_rnddoc do_test 1.0 { execsql { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xx USING fts5(x) } } {} faultsim_save_and_close do_faultsim_test 1 -faults oom-* -prep { faultsim_restore_and_reopen execsql { SELECT * FROM xx } } -body { execsql { DROP TABLE xx } } -test { faultsim_test_result [list 0 {}] } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # An OOM while "reseeking" an FTS cursor. # do_execsql_test 3.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE jj USING fts5(j); INSERT INTO jj(rowid, j) VALUES(101, 'm t w t f s s'); INSERT INTO jj(rowid, j) VALUES(202, 't w t f s'); INSERT INTO jj(rowid, j) VALUES(303, 'w t f'); INSERT INTO jj(rowid, j) VALUES(404, 't'); } faultsim_save_and_close do_faultsim_test 3 -faults oom-* -prep { faultsim_restore_and_reopen execsql { SELECT * FROM jj } } -body { set res [list] db eval { SELECT rowid FROM jj WHERE jj MATCH 't' } { lappend res $rowid if {$rowid==303} { execsql { DELETE FROM jj WHERE rowid=404 } } } set res } -test { faultsim_test_result [list 0 {101 202 303}] } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # An OOM within a special "*reads" query. # reset_db db func rnddoc fts5_rnddoc do_execsql_test 4.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE x1 USING fts5(x); INSERT INTO x1(x1, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 32); WITH ii(i) AS ( SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM ii WHERE i<10 ) INSERT INTO x1 SELECT rnddoc(5) FROM ii; } set ::res [db eval {SELECT rowid, x1 FROM x1 WHERE x1 MATCH '*reads'}] do_faultsim_test 4 -faults oom-* -body { db eval {SELECT rowid, x, x1 FROM x1 WHERE x1 MATCH '*reads'} } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {0 {} 3}} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # An OOM within a query that uses a custom rank function. # reset_db do_execsql_test 5.0 { PRAGMA encoding='utf16'; CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE x2 USING fts5(x); INSERT INTO x2(rowid, x) VALUES(10, 'a b c'); -- 3 INSERT INTO x2(rowid, x) VALUES(20, 'a b c'); -- 6 INSERT INTO x2(rowid, x) VALUES(30, 'a b c'); -- 2 INSERT INTO x2(rowid, x) VALUES(40, 'a b c'); -- 5 INSERT INTO x2(rowid, x) VALUES(50, 'a b c'); -- 1 } proc rowidmod {cmd mod} { set row [$cmd xRowid] expr {$row % $mod} } sqlite3_fts5_create_function db rowidmod rowidmod do_faultsim_test 5.1 -faults oom-* -body { db eval { SELECT rowid || '-' || rank FROM x2 WHERE x2 MATCH 'b' AND rank MATCH "rowidmod('7')" ORDER BY rank } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {50-1 30-2 10-3 40-5 20-6}} } proc rowidprefix {cmd prefix} { set row [$cmd xRowid] set {} "${row}-${prefix}" } sqlite3_fts5_create_function db rowidprefix rowidprefix set str [string repeat abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 10] do_faultsim_test 5.2 -faults oom-* -body { db eval " SELECT rank, x FROM x2 WHERE x2 MATCH 'b' AND rank MATCH 'rowidprefix(''$::str'')' LIMIT 1 " } -test { faultsim_test_result "0 {10-$::str {a b c}}" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM errors within auxiliary functions. # reset_db do_execsql_test 6.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE x3 USING fts5(xxx); INSERT INTO x3 VALUES('a b c d c b a'); INSERT INTO x3 VALUES('a a a a a a a'); INSERT INTO x3 VALUES('a a a a a a a'); } do_faultsim_test 6.1 -faults oom-t* -body { db eval { SELECT highlight(x3, 0, '*', '*') FROM x3 WHERE x3 MATCH 'c' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {{a b *c* d *c* b a}}} } proc firstinst {cmd} { foreach {p c o} [$cmd xInst 0] {} expr $c*100 + $o } sqlite3_fts5_create_function db firstinst firstinst do_faultsim_test 6.2 -faults oom-t* -body { db eval { SELECT firstinst(x3) FROM x3 WHERE x3 MATCH 'c' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 2} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } proc previc {cmd} { set res [$cmd xGetAuxdataInt 0] $cmd xSetAuxdataInt [$cmd xInstCount] return $res } sqlite3_fts5_create_function db previc previc do_faultsim_test 6.2 -faults oom-t* -body { db eval { SELECT previc(x3) FROM x3 WHERE x3 MATCH 'a' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {0 2 7}} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM error when querying for a phrase with many tokens. # reset_db do_execsql_test 7.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tt USING fts5(x, y); INSERT INTO tt VALUES('f b g b c b', 'f a d c c b'); -- 1 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('d a e f e d', 'f b b d e e'); -- 2 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('f b g a d c', 'e f c f a d'); -- 3 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('f f c d g f', 'f a e b g b'); -- 4 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('a g b d a g', 'e g a e a c'); -- 5 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('c d b d e f', 'f g e g e e'); -- 6 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('e g f f b c', 'f c e f g f'); -- 7 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('e g c f c e', 'f e e a f g'); -- 8 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('e a e b e e', 'd c c f f f'); -- 9 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('f a g g c c', 'e g d g c e'); -- 10 INSERT INTO tt VALUES('c d b a e f', 'f g e h e e'); -- 11 CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tt2 USING fts5(o); INSERT INTO tt2(rowid, o) SELECT rowid, x||' '||y FROM tt; INSERT INTO tt2(rowid, o) VALUES(12, 'a b c d e f g h i j k l'); } do_faultsim_test 7.2 -faults oom-* -body { db eval { SELECT rowid FROM tt WHERE tt MATCH 'f+g+e+g+e+e' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 6} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } do_faultsim_test 7.3 -faults oom-* -body { db eval { SELECT rowid FROM tt WHERE tt MATCH 'NEAR(a b c d e f)' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 11} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } do_faultsim_test 7.4 -faults oom-t* -body { db eval { SELECT rowid FROM tt2 WHERE tt2 MATCH '"g c f c e f e e a f"' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 8} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } do_faultsim_test 7.5 -faults oom-* -body { db eval {SELECT rowid FROM tt2 WHERE tt2 MATCH 'NEAR(a b c d e f g h i j k)'} } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 12} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } do_faultsim_test 7.6 -faults oom-* -body { db eval {SELECT rowid FROM tt WHERE tt MATCH 'y: "c c"'} } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {1 9}} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reset_db do_execsql_test 8.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tt USING fts5(x); INSERT INTO tt(tt, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 32); BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt(rowid, x) VALUES(1, 'a b c d x x'); WITH ii(i) AS (SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM ii WHERE i<99) INSERT INTO tt(rowid, x) SELECT i, 'a b c x x d' FROM ii; INSERT INTO tt(rowid, x) VALUES(100, 'a b c d x x'); COMMIT; } do_faultsim_test 8.1 -faults oom-t* -body { db eval { SELECT rowid FROM tt WHERE tt MATCH 'NEAR(a b c d, 2)' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {1 100}} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } do_faultsim_test 8.2 -faults oom-t* -body { db eval { SELECT count(*) FROM tt WHERE tt MATCH 'a OR d' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 100} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fault in NOT query. # reset_db do_execsql_test 9.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tt USING fts5(x); INSERT INTO tt(tt, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 32); BEGIN; WITH ii(i) AS (SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM ii WHERE i<200) INSERT INTO tt(rowid, x) SELECT i, CASE WHEN (i%50)==0 THEN 'a a a a a a' ELSE 'a x a x a x' END FROM ii; COMMIT; } do_faultsim_test 9.1 -faults oom-* -body { db eval { SELECT rowid FROM tt WHERE tt MATCH 'a NOT x' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {50 100 150 200}} {1 SQLITE_NOMEM} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM in fts5_expr() SQL function. # do_faultsim_test 10.1 -faults oom-t* -body { db one { SELECT fts5_expr('a AND b NEAR(a b)') } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {"a" AND "b" AND NEAR("a" "b", 10)}} } do_faultsim_test 10.2 -faults oom-t* -body { db one { SELECT fts5_expr_tcl('x:"a b c" AND b NEAR(a b)', 'ns', 'x') } } -test { set res {AND [ns -col 0 -- {a b c}] [ns -- {b}] [ns -near 10 -- {a} {b}]} faultsim_test_result [list 0 $res] } do_faultsim_test 10.3 -faults oom-t* -body { db one { SELECT fts5_expr('x:a', 'x') } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {x : "a"}} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM while configuring 'rank' option. # reset_db do_execsql_test 11.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft USING fts5(x); } do_faultsim_test 11.1 -faults oom-t* -body { db eval { INSERT INTO ft(ft, rank) VALUES('rank', 'bm25(10.0, 5.0)') } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {}} {1 {disk I/O error}} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM while creating an fts5vocab table. # reset_db do_execsql_test 12.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft USING fts5(x); } faultsim_save_and_close do_faultsim_test 12.1 -faults oom-t* -prep { faultsim_restore_and_reopen db eval { SELECT * FROM sqlite_master } } -body { db eval { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE vv USING fts5vocab(ft, 'row') } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {}} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM while querying an fts5vocab table. # reset_db do_execsql_test 13.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft USING fts5(x); INSERT INTO ft VALUES('a b'); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE vv USING fts5vocab(ft, 'row'); } faultsim_save_and_close do_faultsim_test 13.1 -faults oom-t* -prep { faultsim_restore_and_reopen db eval { SELECT * FROM vv } } -body { db eval { SELECT * FROM vv } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {a 1 1 b 1 1}} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM in multi-column token query. # reset_db do_execsql_test 13.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft USING fts5(x, y, z); INSERT INTO ft(ft, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 32); INSERT INTO ft VALUES( 'x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x', 'y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y', 'z z z z z z z z x x x x x x x x' ); INSERT INTO ft SELECT * FROM ft; INSERT INTO ft SELECT * FROM ft; INSERT INTO ft SELECT * FROM ft; INSERT INTO ft SELECT * FROM ft; } faultsim_save_and_close do_faultsim_test 13.1 -faults oom-t* -prep { faultsim_restore_and_reopen db eval { SELECT * FROM ft } } -body { db eval { SELECT rowid FROM ft WHERE ft MATCH '{x z}: x' } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16}} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOM in an "ALTER TABLE RENAME TO" # reset_db do_execsql_test 14.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "tbl one" USING fts5(x, y, z); } faultsim_save_and_close do_faultsim_test 14.1 -faults oom-t* -prep { faultsim_restore_and_reopen db eval { SELECT * FROM "tbl one" } } -body { db eval { ALTER TABLE "tbl one" RENAME TO "tbl two" } } -test { faultsim_test_result {0 {}} $::TMPDBERROR } finish_test