# 2014 Dec 20 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # # This file focuses on testing queries that use the "rank" column. # source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl] set testprefix fts5rank # If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is defined, omit this file. ifcapable !fts5 { finish_test return } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "ORDER BY rank" + highlight() + large poslists. # do_execsql_test 1.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xyz USING fts5(z); } do_test 1.1 { set doc [string trim [string repeat "x y " 500]] execsql { INSERT INTO xyz VALUES($doc) } } {} do_execsql_test 1.2 { SELECT highlight(xyz, 0, '[', ']') FROM xyz WHERE xyz MATCH 'x' ORDER BY rank } [list [string map {x [x]} $doc]] do_execsql_test 1.3 { SELECT highlight(xyz, 0, '[', ']') FROM xyz WHERE xyz MATCH 'x AND y' ORDER BY rank } [list [string map {x [x] y [y]} $doc]] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the 'rank' option really is persistent. # do_execsql_test 2.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tt USING fts5(a); INSERT INTO tt VALUES('a x x x x'); INSERT INTO tt VALUES('x x a a a'); INSERT INTO tt VALUES('x a a x x'); } proc firstinst {cmd} { foreach {p c o} [$cmd xInst 0] {} return $o } sqlite3_fts5_create_function db firstinst firstinst do_execsql_test 2.1 { SELECT rowid FROM tt('a') ORDER BY rank; } {2 3 1} do_execsql_test 2.2 { SELECT rowid FROM tt('a', 'firstinst()') ORDER BY rank; } {1 3 2} do_execsql_test 2.3 { INSERT INTO tt(tt, rank) VALUES('rank', 'firstinst()'); SELECT rowid FROM tt('a') ORDER BY rank; } {1 3 2} do_test 2.4 { sqlite3 db2 test.db catchsql { SELECT rowid FROM tt('a') ORDER BY rank; } db2 } {1 {no such function: firstinst}} do_test 2.5 { db2 close sqlite3 db2 test.db sqlite3_fts5_create_function db2 firstinst firstinst execsql { SELECT rowid FROM tt('a') ORDER BY rank; } db2 } {1 3 2} do_test 2.6 { execsql { SELECT rowid FROM tt('a') ORDER BY rank; } db2 } {1 3 2} do_test 2.7 { execsql { SELECT rowid FROM tt('a') ORDER BY rank; } db } {1 3 2} db2 close #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # At one point there was a problem with queries such as: # # ... MATCH 'x OR y' ORDER BY rank; # # if there were zero occurrences of token 'y' in the dataset. The # following tests verify that that problem has been addressed. # foreach_detail_mode $::testprefix { do_execsql_test 3.1.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE y1 USING fts5(z, detail=%DETAIL%); INSERT INTO y1 VALUES('test xyz'); INSERT INTO y1 VALUES('test test xyz test'); INSERT INTO y1 VALUES('test test xyz'); } do_execsql_test 3.1.1 { SELECT rowid FROM y1('test OR tset'); } {1 2 3} do_execsql_test 3.1.2 { SELECT rowid FROM y1('test OR tset') ORDER BY bm25(y1) } {2 3 1} do_execsql_test 3.1.3 { SELECT rowid FROM y1('test OR tset') ORDER BY +rank } {2 3 1} do_execsql_test 3.1.4 { SELECT rowid FROM y1('test OR tset') ORDER BY rank } {2 3 1} do_execsql_test 3.1.5 { SELECT rowid FROM y1('test OR xyz') ORDER BY rank } {3 2 1} do_execsql_test 3.2.1 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE z1 USING fts5(a, detail=%DETAIL%); INSERT INTO z1 VALUES('wrinkle in time'); SELECT * FROM z1 WHERE z1 MATCH 'wrinkle in time OR a wrinkle in time'; } {{wrinkle in time}} } do_execsql_test 4.1 { DROP TABLE IF EXISTS VTest; CREATE virtual TABLE VTest USING FTS5( Title, AUthor, tokenize ='porter unicode61 remove_diacritics 1', columnsize='1', detail=full ); INSERT INTO VTest (Title, Author) VALUES ('wrinkle in time', 'Bill Smith'); SELECT * FROM VTest WHERE VTest MATCH 'wrinkle in time OR a wrinkle in time' ORDER BY rank; } {{wrinkle in time} {Bill Smith}} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- reset_db do_execsql_test 5.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ttt USING fts5(a); WITH s(i) AS ( SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM s WHERE i<100 ) INSERT INTO ttt SELECT 'word ' || i FROM s; } do_execsql_test 5.1 { SELECT rowid FROM ttt('word') WHERE rowid BETWEEN 30 AND 40 ORDER BY rank; } {30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- reset_db do_execsql_test 6.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "My.Table" USING fts5(Text); INSERT INTO "My.Table" VALUES ('hello this is a test'); INSERT INTO "My.Table" VALUES ('of trying to order by'); INSERT INTO "My.Table" VALUES ('rank on an fts5 table'); INSERT INTO "My.Table" VALUES ('that have periods in'); INSERT INTO "My.Table" VALUES ('the table names.'); INSERT INTO "My.Table" VALUES ('table table table'); } do_execsql_test 6.1 { SELECT * FROM "My.Table" WHERE Text MATCH 'table' ORDER BY rank; } { {table table table} {the table names.} {rank on an fts5 table} } finish_test