# 2014 August 30 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # source [file join [file dirname [info script]] rbu_common.tcl] if_no_rbu_support { finish_test ; return } set ::testprefix rbu3 # Run the RBU in file $rbu on target database $target until completion. # proc run_rbu {target rbu} { sqlite3rbu rbu $target $rbu while { [rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK" } {} rbu close } forcedelete test.db-oal rbu.db reset_db #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that for an RBU to be applied, no corruption results if the # affinities on the source and target table do not match. # do_execsql_test 1.0 { CREATE TABLE x1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c REAL); CREATE INDEX i1 ON x1(b, c); } {} do_test 1.1 { sqlite3 db2 rbu.db db2 eval { CREATE TABLE data_x1(a, b, c, rbu_control); INSERT INTO data_x1 VALUES(1, '123', '123', 0); INSERT INTO data_x1 VALUES(2, 123, 123, 0); } db2 close run_rbu test.db rbu.db } {SQLITE_DONE} do_execsql_test 1.2 { PRAGMA integrity_check; } {ok} #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that NULL values may not be inserted into INTEGER PRIMARY KEY # columns. # forcedelete rbu.db reset_db do_execsql_test 2.0 { CREATE TABLE x1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c REAL); CREATE INDEX i1 ON x1(b, c); } {} foreach {tn rbudb} { 1 { CREATE TABLE data_x1(a, b, c, rbu_control); INSERT INTO data_x1 VALUES(NULL, 'a', 'b', 0); } 2 { CREATE TABLE data_x1(c, b, a, rbu_control); INSERT INTO data_x1 VALUES('b', 'a', NULL, 0); } } { do_test 2.$tn.1 { forcedelete rbu.db sqlite3 db2 rbu.db db2 eval $rbudb db2 close list [catch { run_rbu test.db rbu.db } msg] $msg } {1 {SQLITE_MISMATCH - datatype mismatch}} do_execsql_test 2.1.2 { PRAGMA integrity_check; } {ok} } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that missing columns are detected. # forcedelete rbu.db reset_db do_execsql_test 2.0 { CREATE TABLE x1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b, c); CREATE INDEX i1 ON x1(b, c); } {} do_test 2.1 { sqlite3 db2 rbu.db db2 eval { CREATE TABLE data_x1(a, b, rbu_control); INSERT INTO data_x1 VALUES(1, 'a', 0); } db2 close list [catch { run_rbu test.db rbu.db } msg] $msg } {1 {SQLITE_ERROR - column missing from data_x1: c}} do_execsql_test 2.2 { PRAGMA integrity_check; } {ok} # Also extra columns. # do_execsql_test 2.3 { CREATE TABLE x2(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b, c); CREATE INDEX i2 ON x2(b, c); } {} do_test 2.4 { forcedelete rbu.db sqlite3 db2 rbu.db db2 eval { CREATE TABLE data_x2(a, b, c, d, rbu_control); INSERT INTO data_x2 VALUES(1, 'a', 2, 3, 0); } db2 close list [catch { run_rbu test.db rbu.db } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ERROR} do_execsql_test 2.5 { PRAGMA integrity_check; } {ok} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that sqlite3rbu_create_vfs() returns an error if the requested # parent VFS is unknown. # # And that nothing disasterous happens if a VFS name passed to # sqlite3rbu_destroy_vfs() is unknown or not an RBU vfs. # do_test 3.1 { list [catch {sqlite3rbu_create_vfs xyz nosuchparent} msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_NOTFOUND} do_test 3.2 { sqlite3rbu_destroy_vfs nosuchvfs sqlite3rbu_destroy_vfs unix sqlite3rbu_destroy_vfs win32 } {} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that it is an error to specify an explicit VFS that does not # include rbu VFS functionality. # do_test 4.1 { testvfs tvfs sqlite3rbu rbu file:test.db?vfs=tvfs rbu.db list [catch { rbu step } msg] $msg } {0 SQLITE_ERROR} do_test 4.2 { list [catch { rbu close } msg] $msg } {1 {SQLITE_ERROR - rbu vfs not found}} tvfs delete #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test a large rbu update to ensure that wal_autocheckpoint does not get # in the way. # forcedelete rbu.db reset_db do_execsql_test 5.1 { CREATE TABLE x1(a, b, c, PRIMARY KEY(a)) WITHOUT ROWID; CREATE INDEX i1 ON x1(a); ATTACH 'rbu.db' AS rbu; CREATE TABLE rbu.data_x1(a, b, c, rbu_control); WITH s(a, b, c) AS ( SELECT randomblob(300), randomblob(300), 1 UNION ALL SELECT randomblob(300), randomblob(300), c+1 FROM s WHERE c<2000 ) INSERT INTO data_x1 SELECT a, b, c, 0 FROM s; } do_test 5.2 { sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK" && [file exists test.db-wal]==0} {} rbu close } {SQLITE_OK} do_test 5.3 { expr {[file size test.db-wal] > (1024 * 1200)} } 1 do_test 6.1 { sqlite3rbu_internal_test } {} finish_test