/* 2022-05-20 The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of a legal notice, here is a blessing: * May you do good and not evil. * May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. * May you share freely, never taking more than you give. *********************************************************************** This is the JS Worker file for the sqlite3 fiddle app. It loads the sqlite3 wasm module and offers access to the db via the Worker message-passing interface. Forewarning: this API is still very much Under Construction and subject to any number of changes as experience reveals what those need to be. Because we can have only a single message handler, as opposed to an arbitrary number of discrete event listeners like with DOM elements, we have to define a lower-level message API. Messages abstractly look like: { type: string, data: type-specific value } Where 'type' is used for dispatching and 'data' is a 'type'-dependent value. The 'type' values expected by each side of the main/worker connection vary. The types are described below but subject to change at any time as this experiment evolves. Workers-to-Main types - stdout, stderr: indicate stdout/stderr output from the wasm layer. The data property is the string of the output, noting that the emscripten binding emits these one line at a time. Thus, if a C-side puts() emits multiple lines in a single call, the JS side will see that as multiple calls. Example: {type:'stdout', data: 'Hi, world.'} - module: Status text. This is intended to alert the main thread about module loading status so that, e.g., the main thread can update a progress widget and DTRT when the module is finished loading and available for work. Status messages come in the form {type:'module', data:{ type:'status', data: {text:string|null, step:1-based-integer} } with an incrementing step value for each subsequent message. When the module loading is complete, a message with a text value of null is posted. - working: data='start'|'end'. Indicates that work is about to be sent to the module or has just completed. This can be used, e.g., to disable UI elements which should not be activated while work is pending. Example: {type:'working', data:'start'} Main-to-Worker types: - shellExec: data=text to execute as if it had been entered in the sqlite3 CLI shell app (as opposed to sqlite3_exec()). This event causes the worker to emit a 'working' event (data='start') before it starts and a 'working' event (data='end') when it finished. If called while work is currently being executed it emits stderr message instead of doing actual work, as the underlying db cannot handle concurrent tasks. Example: {type:'shellExec', data: 'select * from sqlite_master'} - More TBD as the higher-level db layer develops. */ /* Apparent browser(s) bug: console messages emitted may be duplicated in the console, even though they're provably only run once. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49659464 Noting that it happens in Firefox as well as Chrome. Harmless but annoying. */ "use strict"; (function(){ /** Posts a message in the form {type,data}. If passed more than 2 args, the 3rd must be an array of "transferable" values to pass as the 2nd argument to postMessage(). */ const wMsg = (type,data,transferables)=>{ postMessage({type, data}, transferables || []); }; const stdout = (...args)=>wMsg('stdout', args); const stderr = (...args)=>wMsg('stderr', args); const toss = (...args)=>{ throw new Error(args.join(' ')); }; const fixmeOPFS = "(FIXME: won't work with OPFS-over-sqlite3_vfs.)"; let sqlite3 /* gets assigned when the wasm module is loaded */; self.onerror = function(/*message, source, lineno, colno, error*/) { const err = arguments[4]; if(err && 'ExitStatus'==err.name){ /* This is relevant for the sqlite3 shell binding but not the lower-level binding. */ fiddleModule.isDead = true; stderr("FATAL ERROR:", err.message); stderr("Restarting the app requires reloading the page."); wMsg('error', err); } console.error(err); fiddleModule.setStatus('Exception thrown, see JavaScript console: '+err); }; const Sqlite3Shell = { /** Returns the name of the currently-opened db. */ dbFilename: function f(){ if(!f._) f._ = sqlite3.wasm.xWrap('fiddle_db_filename', "string", ['string']); return f._(0); }, dbHandle: function f(){ if(!f._) f._ = sqlite3.wasm.xWrap("fiddle_db_handle", "sqlite3*"); return f._(); }, dbIsOpfs: function f(){ return sqlite3.opfs && sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_js_db_uses_vfs( this.dbHandle(), "opfs" ); }, runMain: function f(){ if(f.argv) return 0===f.argv.rc; const dbName = "/fiddle.sqlite3"; f.argv = [ 'sqlite3-fiddle.wasm', '-bail', '-safe', dbName /* Reminder: because of how we run fiddle, we have to ensure that any argv strings passed to its main() are valid until the wasm environment shuts down. */ ]; const capi = sqlite3.capi, wasm = sqlite3.wasm; /* We need to call sqlite3_shutdown() in order to avoid numerous legitimate warnings from the shell about it being initialized after sqlite3_initialize() has been called. This means, however, that any initialization done by the JS code may need to be re-done (e.g. re-registration of dynamically-loaded VFSes). We need a more generic approach to running such init-level code. */ capi.sqlite3_shutdown(); f.argv.pArgv = wasm.allocMainArgv(f.argv); f.argv.rc = wasm.exports.fiddle_main( f.argv.length, f.argv.pArgv ); if(f.argv.rc){ stderr("Fatal error initializing sqlite3 shell."); fiddleModule.isDead = true; return false; } stdout("SQLite version", capi.sqlite3_libversion(), capi.sqlite3_sourceid().substr(0,19)); stdout('Welcome to the "fiddle" shell.'); if(sqlite3.opfs){ stdout("\nOPFS is available. To open a persistent db, use:\n\n", " .open file:name?vfs=opfs\n\nbut note that some", "features (e.g. upload) do not yet work with OPFS."); sqlite3.opfs.registerVfs(); } stdout('\nEnter ".help" for usage hints.'); this.exec([ // initialization commands... '.nullvalue NULL', '.headers on' ].join('\n')); return true; }, /** Runs the given text through the shell as if it had been typed in by a user. Fires a working/start event before it starts and working/end event when it finishes. */ exec: function f(sql){ if(!f._){ if(!this.runMain()) return; f._ = sqlite3.wasm.xWrap('fiddle_exec', null, ['string']); } if(fiddleModule.isDead){ stderr("shell module has exit()ed. Cannot run SQL."); return; } wMsg('working','start'); try { if(f._running){ stderr('Cannot run multiple commands concurrently.'); }else if(sql){ if(Array.isArray(sql)) sql = sql.join(''); f._running = true; f._(sql); } }finally{ delete f._running; wMsg('working','end'); } }, resetDb: function f(){ if(!f._) f._ = sqlite3.wasm.xWrap('fiddle_reset_db', null); stdout("Resetting database."); f._(); stdout("Reset",this.dbFilename()); }, /* Interrupt can't work: this Worker is tied up working, so won't get the interrupt event which would be needed to perform the interrupt. */ interrupt: function f(){ if(!f._) f._ = sqlite3.wasm.xWrap('fiddle_interrupt', null); stdout("Requesting interrupt."); f._(); } }; self.onmessage = function f(ev){ ev = ev.data; if(!f.cache){ f.cache = { prevFilename: null }; } //console.debug("worker: onmessage.data",ev); switch(ev.type){ case 'shellExec': Sqlite3Shell.exec(ev.data); return; case 'db-reset': Sqlite3Shell.resetDb(); return; case 'interrupt': Sqlite3Shell.interrupt(); return; /** Triggers the export of the current db. Fires an event in the form: {type:'db-export', data:{ filename: name of db, buffer: contents of the db file (Uint8Array), error: on error, a message string and no buffer property. } } */ case 'db-export': { const fn = Sqlite3Shell.dbFilename(); stdout("Exporting",fn+"."); const fn2 = fn ? fn.split(/[/\\]/).pop() : null; try{ if(!fn2) toss("DB appears to be closed."); const buffer = sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_js_db_export( Sqlite3Shell.dbHandle() ); wMsg('db-export',{filename: fn2, buffer: buffer.buffer}, [buffer.buffer]); }catch(e){ console.error("Export failed:",e); /* Post a failure message so that UI elements disabled during the export can be re-enabled. */ wMsg('db-export',{ filename: fn, error: e.message }); } return; } case 'open': { /* Expects: { buffer: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, filename: the filename for the db. Any dir part is stripped. } */ const opt = ev.data; let buffer = opt.buffer; stderr('open():',fixmeOPFS); if(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer){ buffer = new Uint8Array(buffer); }else if(!(buffer instanceof Uint8Array)){ stderr("'open' expects {buffer:Uint8Array} containing an uploaded db."); return; } const fn = ( opt.filename ? opt.filename.split(/[/\\]/).pop().replace('"','_') : ("db-"+((Math.random() * 10000000) | 0)+ "-"+((Math.random() * 10000000) | 0)+".sqlite3") ); try { /* We cannot delete the existing db file until the new one is installed, which means that we risk overflowing our quota (if any) by having both the previous and current db briefly installed in the virtual filesystem. */ const fnAbs = '/'+fn; const oldName = Sqlite3Shell.dbFilename(); if(oldName && oldName===fnAbs){ /* We cannot create the replacement file while the current file is opened, nor does the shell have a .close command, so we must temporarily switch to another db... */ Sqlite3Shell.exec('.open :memory:'); fiddleModule.FS.unlink(fnAbs); } fiddleModule.FS.createDataFile("/", fn, buffer, true, true); Sqlite3Shell.exec('.open "'+fnAbs+'"'); if(oldName && oldName!==fnAbs){ try{fiddleModule.fsUnlink(oldName)} catch(e){/*ignored*/} } stdout("Replaced DB with",fn+"."); }catch(e){ stderr("Error installing db",fn+":",e.message); } return; } }; console.warn("Unknown fiddle-worker message type:",ev); }; /** emscripten module for use with build mode -sMODULARIZE. */ const fiddleModule = { print: stdout, printErr: stderr, /** Intercepts status updates from the emscripting module init and fires worker events with a type of 'status' and a payload of: { text: string | null, // null at end of load process step: integer // starts at 1, increments 1 per call } We have no way of knowing in advance how many steps will be processed/posted, so creating a "percentage done" view is not really practical. One can be approximated by giving it a current value of message.step and max value of message.step+1, though. When work is finished, a message with a text value of null is submitted. After a message with text==null is posted, the module may later post messages about fatal problems, e.g. an exit() being triggered, so it is recommended that UI elements for posting status messages not be outright removed from the DOM when text==null, and that they instead be hidden until/unless text!=null. */ setStatus: function f(text){ if(!f.last) f.last = { step: 0, text: '' }; else if(text === f.last.text) return; f.last.text = text; wMsg('module',{ type:'status', data:{step: ++f.last.step, text: text||null} }); } }; importScripts('fiddle-module.js'+self.location.search); /** initFiddleModule() is installed via fiddle-module.js due to building with: emcc ... -sMODULARIZE=1 -sEXPORT_NAME=initFiddleModule */ sqlite3InitModule(fiddleModule).then((_sqlite3)=>{ sqlite3 = _sqlite3; console.warn("Installing sqlite3 module globally (in Worker)", "for use in the dev console."); self.sqlite3 = sqlite3; const dbVfs = sqlite3.wasm.xWrap('fiddle_db_vfs', "*", ['string']); fiddleModule.fsUnlink = (fn)=>{ return sqlite3.wasm.sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink(dbVfs(0), fn); }; wMsg('fiddle-ready'); })/*then()*/; })();