# 2014 May 6. # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # TESTRUNNER: superslow # # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. # # The tests in this file are brute force tests of the multi-threaded # sorter. # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl set testprefix sort4 db close sqlite3_shutdown sqlite3_config_pmasz 10 sqlite3_initialize sqlite3 db test.db # Configure the sorter to use 3 background threads. # # EVIDENCE-OF: R-19249-32353 SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS The maximum # number of auxiliary worker threads that a single prepared statement # may start. # do_test sort4-init001 { db eval {PRAGMA threads=5} sqlite3_limit db SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS -1 } {5} do_test sort4-init002 { sqlite3_limit db SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS 3 db eval {PRAGMA threads} } {3} # Minimum number of seconds to run for. If the value is 0, each test # is run exactly once. Otherwise, tests are repeated until the timeout # expires. set SORT4TIMEOUT 0 if {[permutation] == "multithread"} { set SORT4TIMEOUT 300 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up a table "t1" containing $nRow rows. Each row contains also # contains blob fields that collectively contain at least $nPayload # bytes of content. The table schema is as follows: # # CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER, , b INTEGER); # # For each row, the values of columns "a" and "b" are set to the same # pseudo-randomly selected integer. The "extra-columns", of which there # are at most eight, are named c0, c1, c2 etc. Column c0 contains a 4 # byte string. Column c1 an 8 byte string. Field c2 16 bytes, and so on. # # This table is intended to be used for testing queries of the form: # # SELECT a, , b FROM t1 ORDER BY a; # # The test code checks that rows are returned in order, and that the # values of "a" and "b" are the same for each row (the idea being that # if field "b" at the end of the sorter record has not been corrupted, # the rest of the record is probably Ok as well). # proc populate_table {nRow nPayload} { set nCol 0 set n 0 for {set nCol 0} {$n < $nPayload} {incr nCol} { incr n [expr (4 << $nCol)] } set cols [lrange [list xxx c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7] 1 $nCol] set data [lrange [list xxx \ randomblob(4) randomblob(8) randomblob(16) randomblob(32) \ randomblob(64) randomblob(128) randomblob(256) randomblob(512) \ ] 1 $nCol] execsql { DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1 } db transaction { execsql "CREATE TABLE t1(a, [join $cols ,], b);" set insert "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(:k, [join $data ,], :k)" for {set i 0} {$i < $nRow} {incr i} { set k [expr int(rand()*1000000000)] execsql $insert } } } # Helper for [do_sorter_test] # proc sorter_test {nRow nRead nPayload} { set res [list] set nLoad [expr ($nRow > $nRead) ? $nRead : $nRow] set nPayload [expr (($nPayload+3)/4) * 4] set cols [list] foreach {mask col} { 0x04 c0 0x08 c1 0x10 c2 0x20 c3 0x40 c4 0x80 c5 0x100 c6 0x200 c7 } { if {$nPayload & $mask} { lappend cols $col } } # Create two SELECT statements. Statement $sql1 uses the sorter to sort # $nRow records of a bit over $nPayload bytes each read from the "t1" # table created by [populate_table] proc above. Rows are sorted in order # of the integer field in each "t1" record. # # The second SQL statement sorts the same set of rows as the first, but # uses a LIMIT clause, causing SQLite to use a temp table instead of the # sorter for sorting. # set sql1 "SELECT a, [join $cols ,], b FROM t1 WHERE rowid<=$nRow ORDER BY a" set sql2 "SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE rowid<=$nRow ORDER BY a LIMIT $nRead" # Pass the two SQL statements to a helper command written in C. This # command steps statement $sql1 $nRead times and compares the integer # values in the rows returned with the results of executing $sql2. If # the comparison fails (indicating some bug in the sorter), a Tcl # exception is thrown. # sorter_test_sort4_helper db $sql1 $nRead $sql2 set {} {} } # Usage: # # do_sorter_test ... # # where are any of the following switches: # # -rows N (number of rows to have sorter sort) # -read N (number of rows to read out of sorter) # -payload N (bytes of payload to read with each row) # -cachesize N (Value for "PRAGMA cache_size = ?") # -repeats N (number of times to repeat test) # -fakeheap BOOL (true to use separate allocations for in-memory records) # proc do_sorter_test {tn args} { set a(-rows) 1000 set a(-repeats) 1 set a(-read) 100 set a(-payload) 100 set a(-cachesize) 100 set a(-fakeheap) 0 foreach {s val} $args { if {[info exists a($s)]==0} { unset a(-cachesize) set optlist "[join [array names a] ,] or -cachesize" error "Unknown option $s, expected $optlist" } set a($s) $val } if {[permutation] == "memsys3" || [permutation] == "memsys5"} { set a(-fakeheap) 0 } if {$a(-fakeheap)} { sorter_test_fakeheap 1 } db eval "PRAGMA cache_size = $a(-cachesize)" do_test $tn [subst -nocommands { for {set i 0} {[set i] < $a(-repeats)} {incr i} { sorter_test $a(-rows) $a(-read) $a(-payload) } }] {} if {$a(-fakeheap)} { sorter_test_fakeheap 0 } } proc clock_seconds {} { db one {SELECT strftime('%s')} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin tests here. # Create a test database. do_test 1 { execsql "PRAGMA page_size = 4096" populate_table 100000 500 } {} set iTimeLimit [expr [clock_seconds] + $SORT4TIMEOUT] for {set t 2} {1} {incr tn} { do_sorter_test $t.2 -repeats 10 -rows 1000 -read 100 do_sorter_test $t.3 -repeats 10 -rows 100000 -read 1000 do_sorter_test $t.4 -repeats 10 -rows 100000 -read 1000 -payload 500 do_sorter_test $t.5 -repeats 10 -rows 100000 -read 100000 -payload 8 do_sorter_test $t.6 -repeats 10 -rows 100000 -read 10 -payload 8 do_sorter_test $t.7 -repeats 10 -rows 10000 -read 10000 -payload 8 -fakeheap 1 do_sorter_test $t.8 -repeats 10 -rows 100000 -read 10000 -cachesize 250 set iNow [clock_seconds] if {$iNow>=$iTimeLimit} break do_test "$testprefix-([expr $iTimeLimit-$iNow] seconds remain)" {} {} } finish_test