# 2014 Dec 20 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # # This file contains tests for the content= and content_rowid= options. # source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl] set testprefix fts5content # If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is defined, omit this file. ifcapable !fts5 { finish_test return } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Contentless tables # do_execsql_test 1.1 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE f1 USING fts5(a, b, content=''); INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(1, 'one', 'o n e'); INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(2, 'two', 't w o'); INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(3, 'three', 't h r e e'); } do_execsql_test 1.2 { SELECT rowid FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 2} do_execsql_test 1.3 { INSERT INTO f1(a, b) VALUES('four', 'f o u r'); SELECT rowid FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 2 4} do_execsql_test 1.4 { SELECT rowid, a, b FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 {} {} 2 {} {} 4 {} {}} do_execsql_test 1.5 { SELECT rowid, highlight(f1, 0, '[', ']') FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 {} 2 {} 4 {}} do_execsql_test 1.6 { SELECT rowid, highlight(f1, 0, '[', ']') IS NULL FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 1 2 1 4 1} do_execsql_test 1.7 { SELECT rowid, snippet(f1, -1, '[', ']', '...', 5) IS NULL FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 1 2 1 4 1} do_execsql_test 1.8 { SELECT rowid, snippet(f1, 1, '[', ']', '...', 5) IS NULL FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 1 2 1 4 1} do_execsql_test 1.9 { SELECT rowid FROM f1; } {1 2 3 4} do_execsql_test 1.10 { SELECT * FROM f1; } {{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}} do_execsql_test 1.11 { SELECT rowid, a, b FROM f1 ORDER BY rowid ASC; } {1 {} {} 2 {} {} 3 {} {} 4 {} {}} do_execsql_test 1.12 { SELECT a IS NULL FROM f1; } {1 1 1 1} do_catchsql_test 1.13 { DELETE FROM f1 WHERE rowid = 2; } {1 {cannot DELETE from contentless fts5 table: f1}} do_catchsql_test 1.14 { UPDATE f1 SET a = 'a b c' WHERE rowid = 2; } {1 {cannot UPDATE contentless fts5 table: f1}} do_execsql_test 1.15 { INSERT INTO f1(f1, rowid, a, b) VALUES('delete', 2, 'two', 't w o'); } {} do_execsql_test 1.16 { SELECT rowid FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'o'; } {1 4} do_execsql_test 1.17 { SELECT rowid FROM f1; } {1 3 4} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # External content tables # reset_db do_execsql_test 2.1 { -- Create a table. And an external content fts5 table to index it. CREATE TABLE tbl(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b, c); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_idx USING fts5(b, c, content='tbl', content_rowid='a'); -- Triggers to keep the FTS index up to date. CREATE TRIGGER tbl_ai AFTER INSERT ON tbl BEGIN INSERT INTO fts_idx(rowid, b, c) VALUES (new.a, new.b, new.c); END; CREATE TRIGGER tbl_ad AFTER DELETE ON tbl BEGIN INSERT INTO fts_idx(fts_idx, rowid, b, c) VALUES('delete', old.a, old.b, old.c); END; CREATE TRIGGER tbl_au AFTER UPDATE ON tbl BEGIN INSERT INTO fts_idx(fts_idx, rowid, b, c) VALUES('delete', old.a, old.b, old.c); INSERT INTO fts_idx(rowid, b, c) VALUES (new.a, new.b, new.c); END; } do_execsql_test 2.2 { INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(1, 'one', 'o n e'); INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(NULL, 'two', 't w o'); INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(3, 'three', 't h r e e'); } do_execsql_test 2.3 { INSERT INTO fts_idx(fts_idx) VALUES('integrity-check'); } do_execsql_test 2.4 { DELETE FROM tbl WHERE rowid=2; INSERT INTO fts_idx(fts_idx) VALUES('integrity-check'); } do_execsql_test 2.5 { UPDATE tbl SET c = c || ' x y z'; INSERT INTO fts_idx(fts_idx) VALUES('integrity-check'); } do_execsql_test 2.6 { SELECT * FROM fts_idx WHERE fts_idx MATCH 't AND x'; } {three {t h r e e x y z}} do_execsql_test 2.7 { SELECT highlight(fts_idx, 1, '[', ']') FROM fts_idx WHERE fts_idx MATCH 't AND x'; } {{[t] h r e e [x] y z}} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quick tests of the 'delete-all' command. # do_execsql_test 3.1 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t3 USING fts5(x, content=''); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a b c'); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('d e f'); } do_execsql_test 3.2 { SELECT count(*) FROM t3_docsize; SELECT count(*) FROM t3_data; } {2 4} do_execsql_test 3.3 { INSERT INTO t3(t3) VALUES('delete-all'); SELECT count(*) FROM t3_docsize; SELECT count(*) FROM t3_data; } {0 2} do_execsql_test 3.4 { INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a b c'); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('d e f'); SELECT rowid FROM t3 WHERE t3 MATCH 'e'; } {2} do_execsql_test 3.5 { SELECT rowid FROM t3 WHERE t3 MATCH 'c'; } {1} do_execsql_test 3.6 { SELECT count(*) FROM t3_docsize; SELECT count(*) FROM t3_data; } {2 4} do_execsql_test 3.7 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t4 USING fts5(x); } {} do_catchsql_test 3.8 { INSERT INTO t4(t4) VALUES('delete-all'); } {1 {'delete-all' may only be used with a contentless or external content fts5 table}} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test an external content table with a more interesting schema. # do_execsql_test 4.1 { CREATE TABLE x2(a, "key col" PRIMARY KEY, b, c) WITHOUT ROWID; INSERT INTO x2 VALUES('a b', 1, 'c d' , 'e f'); INSERT INTO x2 VALUES('x y', -40, 'z z' , 'y x'); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t2 USING fts5(a, c, content=x2, content_rowid='key col'); INSERT INTO t2(t2) VALUES('rebuild'); } do_execsql_test 4.2 { SELECT rowid FROM t2 } {-40 1} do_execsql_test 4.3 { SELECT rowid FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'c'} {} do_execsql_test 4.4 { SELECT rowid FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'a'} {1} do_execsql_test 4.5 { SELECT rowid FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'x'} {-40} do_execsql_test 4.6 { INSERT INTO t2(t2) VALUES('integrity-check') } {} do_execsql_test 4.7 { DELETE FROM x2 WHERE "key col" = 1; INSERT INTO t2(t2, rowid, a, c) VALUES('delete', 1, 'a b', 'e f'); INSERT INTO t2(t2) VALUES('integrity-check'); } do_execsql_test 4.8 { SELECT rowid FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'b'} {} do_execsql_test 4.9 { SELECT rowid FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'y'} {-40} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that if the 'rowid' field of a 'delete' is not an integer, no # changes are made to the FTS index. # do_execsql_test 5.0 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t5 USING fts5(a, b, content=); INSERT INTO t5(rowid, a, b) VALUES(-1, 'one', 'two'); INSERT INTO t5(rowid, a, b) VALUES( 0, 'three', 'four'); INSERT INTO t5(rowid, a, b) VALUES( 1, 'five', 'six'); } set ::checksum [execsql {SELECT md5sum(id, block) FROM t5_data}] do_execsql_test 5.1 { INSERT INTO t5(t5, rowid, a, b) VALUES('delete', NULL, 'three', 'four'); SELECT md5sum(id, block) FROM t5_data; } $::checksum #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that a contentless table can be dropped. # reset_db do_execsql_test 6.1 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xx USING fts5(x, y, content=""); SELECT name FROM sqlite_master; } {xx xx_data xx_idx xx_docsize xx_config} do_execsql_test 6.2 { DROP TABLE xx; SELECT name FROM sqlite_master; } {} #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that an fts5 table cannot be its own content table. # reset_db do_execsql_test 7.1.1 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts5(a, c=t1 ); INSERT INTO t1( a ) VALUES('abc'); } do_catchsql_test 7.1.2 { SELECT * FROM t1; } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} do_catchsql_test 7.1.3 { SELECT * FROM t1('abc'); } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} do_catchsql_test 7.1.4 { SELECT count(*) FROM t1; } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} do_catchsql_test 7.1.5 { SELECT * FROM t1('abc') ORDER BY rank; } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} reset_db do_execsql_test 7.2.1 { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts5(a, c=t2 ); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t2 USING fts5(a, c=t1 ); INSERT INTO t1( a ) VALUES('abc'); } do_catchsql_test 7.2.2 { SELECT * FROM t1; } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} do_catchsql_test 7.2.3 { SELECT * FROM t1('abc'); } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} do_catchsql_test 7.2.4 { SELECT count(*) FROM t1; } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} do_catchsql_test 7.2.5 { SELECT * FROM t1('abc') ORDER BY rank; } {1 {recursively defined fts5 content table}} finish_test