# 2003 October 31 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The # focus of this file is testing date and time functions. # # $Id: date.test,v 1.34 2009/04/16 12:58:03 drh Exp $ set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl # Do not use a codec for tests in this file, as the database file is # manipulated directly using tcl scripts (using the [hexio_write] command). # do_not_use_codec # Skip this whole file if date and time functions are omitted # at compile-time # ifcapable {!datetime} { finish_test return } proc datetest {tnum expr result} { do_test date-$tnum [subst { execsql "SELECT coalesce($expr,'NULL')" }] [list $result] } set tcl_precision 15 datetest 1.1 julianday('2000-01-01') 2451544.5 datetest 1.2 julianday('1970-01-01') 2440587.5 datetest 1.3 julianday('1910-04-20') 2418781.5 datetest 1.4 julianday('1986-02-09') 2446470.5 datetest 1.5 julianday('12:00:00') 2451545.0 datetest 1.6 {julianday('2000-01-01 12:00:00')} 2451545.0 datetest 1.7 {julianday('2000-01-01 12:00')} 2451545.0 datetest 1.8 julianday('bogus') NULL datetest 1.9 julianday('1999-12-31') 2451543.5 datetest 1.10 julianday('1999-12-32') NULL datetest 1.11 julianday('1999-13-01') NULL datetest 1.12 julianday('2003-02-31') 2452701.5 datetest 1.13 julianday('2003-03-03') 2452701.5 datetest 1.14 julianday('+2000-01-01') NULL datetest 1.15 julianday('200-01-01') NULL datetest 1.16 julianday('2000-1-01') NULL datetest 1.17 julianday('2000-01-1') NULL datetest 1.18.1 {julianday('2000-01-01 12:00:00')} 2451545.0 datetest 1.18.2 {julianday('2000-01-01T12:00:00')} 2451545.0 datetest 1.18.3 {julianday('2000-01-01 T12:00:00')} 2451545.0 datetest 1.18.4 {julianday('2000-01-01T 12:00:00')} 2451545.0 datetest 1.18.4 {julianday('2000-01-01 T 12:00:00')} 2451545.0 datetest 1.19 {julianday('2000-01-01 12:00:00.1')} 2451545.00000116 datetest 1.20 {julianday('2000-01-01 12:00:00.01')} 2451545.00000012 datetest 1.21 {julianday('2000-01-01 12:00:00.001')} 2451545.00000001 datetest 1.22 {julianday('2000-01-01 12:00:00.')} NULL datetest 1.23 julianday(12345.6) 12345.6 datetest 1.23b julianday(1721059.5) 1721059.5 datetest 1.24 {julianday('2001-01-01 12:00:00 bogus')} NULL datetest 1.25 {julianday('2001-01-01 bogus')} NULL datetest 1.26 {julianday('2001-01-01 12:60:00')} NULL datetest 1.27 {julianday('2001-01-01 12:59:60')} NULL datetest 1.28 {julianday('2001-00-01')} NULL datetest 1.29 {julianday('2001-01-00')} NULL datetest 2.1 datetime(0,'unixepoch') {1970-01-01 00:00:00} datetest 2.1b datetime(0,'unixepoc') NULL datetest 2.1c datetime(0,'unixepochx') NULL datetest 2.1d datetime('2003-10-22','unixepoch') NULL datetest 2.2 datetime(946684800,'unixepoch') {2000-01-01 00:00:00} datetest 2.2b datetime('946684800','unixepoch') {2000-01-01 00:00:00} for {set i 0} {$i<1000} {incr i} { set sql [format {strftime('%%H:%%M:%%f',1237962480.%03d,'unixepoch')} $i] set res [format {06:28:00.%03d} $i] datetest 2.2c-$i $sql $res } datetest 2.3 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 0')} 2003-10-26 datetest 2.4 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 1')} 2003-10-27 datetest 2.4a {date('2003-10-22','weekday 1')} 2003-10-27 datetest 2.4b {date('2003-10-22','weekday 1x')} NULL datetest 2.4c {date('2003-10-22','weekday -1')} NULL datetest 2.4d {date('2003-10-22','weakday 1x')} NULL datetest 2.4e {date('2003-10-22','weekday ')} NULL datetest 2.5 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 2')} 2003-10-28 datetest 2.6 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 3')} 2003-10-22 datetest 2.7 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 4')} 2003-10-23 datetest 2.8 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 5')} 2003-10-24 datetest 2.9 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 6')} 2003-10-25 datetest 2.10 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 7')} NULL datetest 2.11 {date('2003-10-22','weekday 5.5')} NULL datetest 2.12 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','weekday 0')} {2003-10-26 12:34:00} datetest 2.13 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','start of month')} \ {2003-10-01 00:00:00} datetest 2.14 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','start of year')} \ {2003-01-01 00:00:00} datetest 2.15 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','start of day')} \ {2003-10-22 00:00:00} datetest 2.15a {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','start of')} NULL datetest 2.15b {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','start of bogus')} NULL datetest 2.16 time('12:34:56.43') 12:34:56 datetest 2.17 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','1 day')} {2003-10-23 12:34:00} datetest 2.18 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','+1 day')} {2003-10-23 12:34:00} datetest 2.19 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','+1.25 day')} {2003-10-23 18:34:00} datetest 2.20 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','-1.0 day')} {2003-10-21 12:34:00} datetest 2.21 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','1 month')} {2003-11-22 12:34:00} datetest 2.22 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','11 month')} {2004-09-22 12:34:00} datetest 2.23 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','-13 month')} {2002-09-22 12:34:00} datetest 2.24 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','1.5 months')} {2003-12-07 12:34:00} datetest 2.25 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','-5 years')} {1998-10-22 12:34:00} datetest 2.26 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','+10.5 minutes')} \ {2003-10-22 12:44:30} datetest 2.27 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','-1.25 hours')} \ {2003-10-22 11:19:00} datetest 2.28 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:34','11.25 seconds')} \ {2003-10-22 12:34:11} datetest 2.29 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+5 bogus')} NULL datetest 2.30 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+++')} NULL datetest 2.31 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+12.3e4 femtoseconds')} NULL datetest 2.32 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+12.3e4 uS')} NULL datetest 2.33 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+1 abc')} NULL datetest 2.34 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+1 abcd')} NULL datetest 2.35 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+1 abcde')} NULL datetest 2.36 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+1 abcdef')} NULL datetest 2.37 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+1 abcdefg')} NULL datetest 2.38 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+1 abcdefgh')} NULL datetest 2.39 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','+1 abcdefghi')} NULL set sqlite_current_time 1199243045 datetest 2.40 {datetime()} {2008-01-02 03:04:05} set sqlite_current_time 0 datetest 2.41 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','23 seconds')} {2003-10-22 12:24:23} datetest 2.42 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','345 second')} {2003-10-22 12:29:45} datetest 2.43 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','4 second')} {2003-10-22 12:24:04} datetest 2.44 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','56 second')} {2003-10-22 12:24:56} datetest 2.45 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','60 second')} {2003-10-22 12:25:00} datetest 2.46 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','70 second')} {2003-10-22 12:25:10} datetest 2.47 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','8.6 seconds')} {2003-10-22 12:24:08} datetest 2.48 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','9.4 second')} {2003-10-22 12:24:09} datetest 2.49 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','0000 second')} {2003-10-22 12:24:00} datetest 2.50 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','0001 second')} {2003-10-22 12:24:01} datetest 2.51 {datetime('2003-10-22 12:24','nonsense')} NULL datetest 3.1 {strftime('%d','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 31 datetest 3.2.1 {strftime('pre%fpost','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} pre56.432post datetest 3.2.2 {strftime('%f','2003-10-31 12:34:59.9999999')} 59.999 datetest 3.3 {strftime('%H','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 12 datetest 3.4 {strftime('%j','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 304 datetest 3.5 {strftime('%J','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 2452944.024264259 datetest 3.6 {strftime('%m','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 10 datetest 3.7 {strftime('%M','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 34 datetest 3.8.1 {strftime('%s','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 1067603696 datetest 3.8.2 {strftime('%s','2038-01-19 03:14:07')} 2147483647 datetest 3.8.3 {strftime('%s','2038-01-19 03:14:08')} 2147483648 datetest 3.8.4 {strftime('%s','2201-04-09 12:00:00')} 7298164800 datetest 3.8.5 {strftime('%s','9999-12-31 23:59:59')} 253402300799 datetest 3.8.6 {strftime('%s','1969-12-31 23:59:59')} -1 datetest 3.8.7 {strftime('%s','1901-12-13 20:45:52')} -2147483648 datetest 3.8.8 {strftime('%s','1901-12-13 20:45:51')} -2147483649 datetest 3.8.9 {strftime('%s','1776-07-04 00:00:00')} -6106060800 datetest 3.9 {strftime('%S','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 56 datetest 3.10 {strftime('%w','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 5 datetest 3.11.1 {strftime('%W','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 43 datetest 3.11.2 {strftime('%W','2004-01-01')} 00 datetest 3.11.3 {strftime('%W','2004-01-02')} 00 datetest 3.11.4 {strftime('%W','2004-01-03')} 00 datetest 3.11.5 {strftime('abc%Wxyz','2004-01-04')} abc00xyz datetest 3.11.6 {strftime('%W','2004-01-05')} 01 datetest 3.11.7 {strftime('%W','2004-01-06')} 01 datetest 3.11.8 {strftime('%W','2004-01-07')} 01 datetest 3.11.9 {strftime('%W','2004-01-08')} 01 datetest 3.11.10 {strftime('%W','2004-01-09')} 01 datetest 3.11.11 {strftime('%W','2004-07-18')} 28 datetest 3.11.12 {strftime('%W','2004-12-31')} 52 datetest 3.11.13 {strftime('%W','2007-12-31')} 53 datetest 3.11.14 {strftime('%W','2007-01-01')} 01 datetest 3.11.15 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140970)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.16 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140971)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.17 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140972)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.18 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140973)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.19 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140974)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.20 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140975)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.21 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140976)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.22 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140977)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.23 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140978)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.24 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140979)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.25 {strftime('%W %j',2454109.04140980)} {02 008} datetest 3.11.99 {strftime('%W %j','2454109.04140970')} {02 008} datetest 3.12 {strftime('%Y','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} 2003 datetest 3.13 {strftime('%%','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} % datetest 3.14 {strftime('%_','2003-10-31 12:34:56.432')} NULL datetest 3.15 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d','2003-10-31')} 2003-10-31 proc repeat {n txt} { set x {} while {$n>0} { append x $txt incr n -1 } return $x } datetest 3.16 "strftime('[repeat 200 %Y]','2003-10-31')" [repeat 200 2003] datetest 3.17 "strftime('[repeat 200 abc%m123]','2003-10-31')" \ [repeat 200 abc10123] foreach c {a b c e g h i k l n o p q r t v x y z A B C D E F G I K L N O P Q R T U V Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 9 _} { datetest 3.18.$c "strftime('%$c','2003-10-31')" NULL } # Ticket #2276. Make sure leading zeros are inserted where appropriate. # datetest 3.20 \ {strftime('%d/%f/%H/%W/%j/%m/%M/%S/%Y','0421-01-02 03:04:05.006')} \ 02/05.006/03/00/002/01/04/05/0421 set sqlite_current_time 1157124367 datetest 4.1 {date('now')} {2006-09-01} set sqlite_current_time 0 datetest 5.1 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 +05:00')} {1994-04-16 09:00:00} datetest 5.2 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 -05:15')} {1994-04-16 19:15:00} datetest 5.3 {datetime('1994-04-16 05:00:00 +08:30')} {1994-04-15 20:30:00} datetest 5.4 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 -11:55')} {1994-04-17 01:55:00} datetest 5.5 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 -11:60')} NULL datetest 5.6 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 -11:55 ')} {1994-04-17 01:55:00} datetest 5.7 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 -11:55 x')} NULL datetest 5.8 {datetime('1994-04-16T14:00:00Z')} {1994-04-16 14:00:00} datetest 5.9 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00z')} {1994-04-16 14:00:00} datetest 5.10 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 Z')} {1994-04-16 14:00:00} datetest 5.11 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00z ')} {1994-04-16 14:00:00} datetest 5.12 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 z ')} {1994-04-16 14:00:00} datetest 5.13 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00Zulu')} NULL datetest 5.14 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00Z +05:00')} NULL datetest 5.15 {datetime('1994-04-16 14:00:00 +05:00 Z')} NULL # localtime->utc and utc->localtime conversions. # # Use SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LOCALTIME_FAULT=2 to set an alternative localtime_r() # implementation that is not locale-dependent. This testing localtime_r() # operates as follows: # # (1) Localtime is 30 minutes earlier than (west of) UTC on # even days (counting from 1970-01-01) # # (2) Localtime is 30 minutes later than (east of) UTC on odd days. # # (3) The function fails for the specific date/time value # of 2000-05-29 14:16:00 in order to test the ability of # SQLite to deal with localtime_r() failures. # proc local_to_utc {tn utc local} { do_execsql_test date-$tn "SELECT datetime('$utc','localtime')" [list $local] } proc utc_to_local {tn local utc} { do_execsql_test date-$tn "SELECT datetime('$local','utc')" [list $utc] } sqlite3_test_control SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LOCALTIME_FAULT 2 local_to_utc 6.1 {2000-10-29 12:00:00} {2000-10-29 12:30:00} utc_to_local 6.2 {2000-10-29 12:30:00} {2000-10-29 12:00:00} local_to_utc 6.3 {2000-10-30 12:00:00} {2000-10-30 11:30:00} utc_to_local 6.4 {2000-10-30 11:30:00} {2000-10-30 12:00:00} local_to_utc 6.5 {2000-10-28 23:59:59} {2000-10-28 23:29:59} local_to_utc 6.6 {2000-10-29 00:00:00} {2000-10-29 00:30:00} # The previous two cases establish that no such localtime as # 2000-10-29 00:10:00 exists. Verify that we get a reasonable # answer if we try to convert this non-existant localtime to utc? # utc_to_local 6.7 {2000-10-29 00:10:00} {2000-10-28 23:40:00} local_to_utc 6.8 {2022-02-10 23:59:59} {2022-02-11 00:29:59} local_to_utc 6.9 {2022-02-11 00:00:00} {2022-02-10 23:30:00} local_to_utc 6.10 {2022-02-10 23:45:00} {2022-02-11 00:15:00} local_to_utc 6.11 {2022-02-11 00:45:00} {2022-02-11 00:15:00} # The previous two cases show that two different UTC values give # the same localtime of 2022-02-11 00:15:00. When converting from # that localtime back to UTC, we should get one or the other of # the two UTC values. # utc_to_local 6.12 {2022-02-11 00:15:00} {2022-02-11 00:45:00} # If localtime_r() fails, the datetime() SQL function should raise an error # do_catchsql_test date-6.20 { SELECT datetime('2000-05-29 14:16:00','localtime'); } {1 {local time unavailable}} # Modifiers work for dates that are way out of band for localtime_r() # local_to_utc 6.21 {1800-10-29 12:00:00} {1800-10-29 12:30:00} utc_to_local 6.22 {1800-10-29 12:30:00} {1800-10-29 12:00:00} local_to_utc 6.23 {3000-10-30 12:00:00} {3000-10-30 11:30:00} utc_to_local 6.24 {3000-10-30 11:30:00} {3000-10-30 12:00:00} # Restore the use of the OS localtime_r() before going on... sqlite3_test_control SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LOCALTIME_FAULT 0 # Date-time functions that contain NULL arguments return a NULL # result. # datetest 7.1 {datetime(null)} NULL datetest 7.2 {datetime('now',null)} NULL datetest 7.3 {datetime('now','localtime',null)} NULL datetest 7.4 {time(null)} NULL datetest 7.5 {time('now',null)} NULL datetest 7.6 {time('now','localtime',null)} NULL datetest 7.7 {date(null)} NULL datetest 7.8 {date('now',null)} NULL datetest 7.9 {date('now','localtime',null)} NULL datetest 7.10 {julianday(null)} NULL datetest 7.11 {julianday('now',null)} NULL datetest 7.12 {julianday('now','localtime',null)} NULL datetest 7.13 {strftime(null,'now')} NULL datetest 7.14 {strftime('%s',null)} NULL datetest 7.15 {strftime('%s','now',null)} NULL datetest 7.16 {strftime('%s','now','localtime',null)} NULL # Test modifiers when the date begins as a julian day number - to # make sure the HH:MM:SS is preserved. Ticket #551. # set sqlite_current_time [db eval {SELECT strftime('%s','2003-10-22 12:34:00')}] datetest 8.1 {datetime('now','weekday 0')} {2003-10-26 12:34:00} datetest 8.2 {datetime('now','weekday 1')} {2003-10-27 12:34:00} datetest 8.3 {datetime('now','weekday 2')} {2003-10-28 12:34:00} datetest 8.4 {datetime('now','weekday 3')} {2003-10-22 12:34:00} datetest 8.5 {datetime('now','start of month')} {2003-10-01 00:00:00} datetest 8.6 {datetime('now','start of year')} {2003-01-01 00:00:00} datetest 8.7 {datetime('now','start of day')} {2003-10-22 00:00:00} datetest 8.8 {datetime('now','1 day')} {2003-10-23 12:34:00} datetest 8.9 {datetime('now','+1 day')} {2003-10-23 12:34:00} datetest 8.10 {datetime('now','+1.25 day')} {2003-10-23 18:34:00} datetest 8.11 {datetime('now','-1.0 day')} {2003-10-21 12:34:00} datetest 8.12 {datetime('now','1 month')} {2003-11-22 12:34:00} datetest 8.13 {datetime('now','11 month')} {2004-09-22 12:34:00} datetest 8.14 {datetime('now','-13 month')} {2002-09-22 12:34:00} datetest 8.15 {datetime('now','1.5 months')} {2003-12-07 12:34:00} datetest 8.16 {datetime('now','-5 years')} {1998-10-22 12:34:00} datetest 8.17 {datetime('now','+10.5 minutes')} {2003-10-22 12:44:30} datetest 8.18 {datetime('now','-1.25 hours')} {2003-10-22 11:19:00} datetest 8.19 {datetime('now','11.25 seconds')} {2003-10-22 12:34:11} datetest 8.90 {datetime('now','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxzABCDEFGHIJLMNOP')} NULL set sqlite_current_time 0 # Negative years work. Example: '-4713-11-26' is JD 1.5. # datetest 9.1 {julianday('-4713-11-24 12:00:00')} {0.0} datetest 9.2 {julianday(datetime(5))} {5.0} datetest 9.3 {julianday(datetime(10))} {10.0} datetest 9.4 {julianday(datetime(100))} {100.0} datetest 9.5 {julianday(datetime(1000))} {1000.0} datetest 9.6 {julianday(datetime(10000))} {10000.0} datetest 9.7 {julianday(datetime(100000))} {100000.0} # datetime() with just an HH:MM:SS correctly inserts the date 2000-01-01. # datetest 10.1 {datetime('01:02:03')} {2000-01-01 01:02:03} datetest 10.2 {date('01:02:03')} {2000-01-01} datetest 10.3 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M','01:02:03')} {2000-01-01 01:02} # Test the new HH:MM:SS modifier # datetest 11.1 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '-01:20:30')} \ {2004-02-28 18:39:30} datetest 11.2 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '+12:30:00')} \ {2004-02-29 08:30:00} datetest 11.3 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '+12:30')} \ {2004-02-29 08:30:00} datetest 11.4 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '12:30')} \ {2004-02-29 08:30:00} datetest 11.5 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '-12:00')} \ {2004-02-28 08:00:00} datetest 11.6 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '-12:01')} \ {2004-02-28 07:59:00} datetest 11.7 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '-11:59')} \ {2004-02-28 08:01:00} datetest 11.8 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '11:59')} \ {2004-02-29 07:59:00} datetest 11.9 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '12:01')} \ {2004-02-29 08:01:00} datetest 11.10 {datetime('2004-02-28 20:00:00', '12:60')} NULL # Ticket #1964 datetest 12.1 {datetime('2005-09-01')} {2005-09-01 00:00:00} datetest 12.2 {datetime('2005-09-01','+0 hours')} {2005-09-01 00:00:00} # Ticket #1991 do_test date-13.1 { execsql { SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', julianday('2006-09-24T10:50:26.047')) } } {{2006-09-24 10:50:26.047}} # Ticket #2153 datetest 13.2 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '2007-01-01 12:34:59.6')} \ {2007-01-01 12:34:59} datetest 13.3 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2007-01-01 12:34:59.6')} \ {2007-01-01 12:34:59.600} datetest 13.4 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '2007-01-01 12:59:59.6')} \ {2007-01-01 12:59:59} datetest 13.5 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2007-01-01 12:59:59.6')} \ {2007-01-01 12:59:59.600} datetest 13.6 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '2007-01-01 23:59:59.6')} \ {2007-01-01 23:59:59} datetest 13.7 {strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2007-01-01 23:59:59.6')} \ {2007-01-01 23:59:59.600} # Ticket #3618 datetest 13.11 {julianday(2454832.5,'-1 day')} {2454831.5} datetest 13.12 {julianday(2454832.5,'+1 day')} {2454833.5} datetest 13.13 {julianday(2454832.5,'-1.5 day')} {2454831.0} datetest 13.14 {julianday(2454832.5,'+1.5 day')} {2454834.0} datetest 13.15 {julianday(2454832.5,'-3 hours')} {2454832.375} datetest 13.16 {julianday(2454832.5,'+3 hours')} {2454832.625} datetest 13.17 {julianday(2454832.5,'-45 minutes')} {2454832.46875} datetest 13.18 {julianday(2454832.5,'+45 minutes')} {2454832.53125} datetest 13.19 {julianday(2454832.5,'-675 seconds')} {2454832.4921875} datetest 13.20 {julianday(2454832.5,'+675 seconds')} {2454832.5078125} datetest 13.21 {julianday(2454832.5,'-1.5 months')} {2454786.5} datetest 13.22 {julianday(2454832.5,'+1.5 months')} {2454878.5} datetest 13.23 {julianday(2454832.5,'-1.5 years')} {2454284.0} datetest 13.24 {julianday(2454832.5,'+1.5 years')} {2455380.0} datetest 13.30 {date('2000-01-01','+1.5 years')} {2001-07-02} datetest 13.31 {date('2001-01-01','+1.5 years')} {2002-07-02} datetest 13.32 {date('2002-01-01','+1.5 years')} {2003-07-02} datetest 13.33 {date('2002-01-01','-1.5 years')} {2000-07-02} datetest 13.34 {date('2001-01-01','-1.5 years')} {1999-07-02} # Test for issues reported by BareFeet (list.sql at tandb.com.au) # on mailing list on 2008-06-12. # # Put a floating point number in the database so that we can manipulate # raw bits using the hexio interface. # if {0==[sqlite3 -has-codec]} { do_test date-14.1 { execsql { PRAGMA auto_vacuum=OFF; PRAGMA page_size = 1024; CREATE TABLE t1(x); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1.1); } db close hexio_write test.db 2040 4142ba32bffffff9 sqlite3 db test.db db eval {SELECT * FROM t1} } {2454629.5} # Changing the least significant byte of the floating point value between # 00 and FF should always generate a time of either 23:59:59 or 00:00:00, # never 24:00:00 # for {set i 0} {$i<=255} {incr i} { db close hexio_write test.db 2047 [format %02x $i] sqlite3 db test.db do_test date-14.2.$i { set date [db one {SELECT datetime(x) FROM t1}] expr {$date eq "2008-06-12 00:00:00" || $date eq "2008-06-11 23:59:59"} } {1} } } # Verify that multiple calls to date functions with 'now' return the # same answer. # # EVIDENCE-OF: R-34818-13664 The 'now' argument to date and time # functions always returns exactly the same value for multiple # invocations within the same sqlite3_step() call. # proc sleeper {} {after 100} do_test date-15.1 { db func sleeper sleeper db eval { SELECT c - a FROM (SELECT julianday('now') AS a, sleeper(), julianday('now') AS c); } } {0.0} do_test date-15.2 { db eval { SELECT a==b FROM (SELECT current_timestamp AS a, sleeper(), current_timestamp AS b); } } {1} # Tests of extreme values in date/time functions. Run with UBSan or the # equivalent to verify no signed interger overflow warnings. # datetest 16.1 {date(147483649)} NULL datetest 16.2 {datetime(0)} {-4713-11-24 12:00:00} datetest 16.3 {datetime(5373484.49999999)} {9999-12-31 23:59:59} datetest 16.4 {julianday('-4713-11-24 12:00:00')} 0.0 datetest 16.5 {julianday('9999-12-31 23:59:59.999')} 5373484.49999999 datetest 16.6 {datetime(0,'+464269060799 seconds')} {9999-12-31 23:59:59} datetest 16.7 {datetime(0,'+464269060800 seconds')} NULL datetest 16.8 {datetime(0,'+7737817679 minutes')} {9999-12-31 23:59:00} datetest 16.9 {datetime(0,'+7737817680 minutes')} NULL datetest 16.10 {datetime(0,'+128963627 hours')} {9999-12-31 23:00:00} datetest 16.11 {datetime(0,'+128963628 hours')} NULL datetest 16.12 {datetime(0,'+5373484 days')} {9999-12-31 12:00:00} datetest 16.13 {datetime(0,'+5373485 days')} NULL datetest 16.14 {datetime(0,'+176545 months')} {9999-12-24 12:00:00} datetest 16.15 {datetime(0,'+176546 months')} NULL datetest 16.16 {datetime(0,'+14712 years')} {9999-11-24 12:00:00} datetest 16.17 {datetime(0,'+14713 years')} NULL datetest 16.20 {datetime(5373484.4999999,'-464269060799 seconds')} \ {-4713-11-24 12:00:00} datetest 16.21 {datetime(5373484,'-464269060800 seconds')} NULL datetest 16.22 {datetime(5373484.4999999,'-7737817679 minutes')} \ {-4713-11-24 12:00:59} datetest 16.23 {datetime(5373484,'-7737817680 minutes')} NULL datetest 16.24 {datetime(5373484.4999999,'-128963627 hours')} \ {-4713-11-24 12:59:59} datetest 16.25 {datetime(5373484,'-128963628 hours')} NULL datetest 16.26 {datetime(5373484,'-5373484 days')} {-4713-11-24 12:00:00} datetest 16.27 {datetime(5373484,'-5373485 days')} NULL datetest 16.28 {datetime(5373484,'-176545 months')} {-4713-12-01 12:00:00} datetest 16.29 {datetime(5373484,'-176546 months')} NULL datetest 16.30 {datetime(5373484,'-14712 years')} {-4713-12-31 12:00:00} datetest 16.31 {datetime(5373484,'-14713 years')} NULL # 2017-03-02: Wrong 'start of day' computation. # https://www.sqlite.org/src/info/6097cb92745327a1 # datetest 17.1 {datetime(2457754, 'start of day')} {2016-12-31 00:00:00} datetest 17.2 {datetime(2457828)} {2017-03-15 12:00:00} datetest 17.3 {datetime(2457828,'start of day')} {2017-03-15 00:00:00} datetest 17.4 {datetime(2457828,'start of month')} {2017-03-01 00:00:00} datetest 17.5 {datetime(2457828,'start of year')} {2017-01-01 00:00:00} datetest 17.6 {datetime(37,'start of year')} NULL datetest 17.7 {datetime(38,'start of year')} {-4712-01-01 00:00:00} # 2022-03-04 https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/2ffbaa2c3fd7fb82 # The 'localtime' modifier should preserve fractional seconds. # datetest 18.1 {strftime('%f',1.234,'unixepoch','localtime')} {01.234} # 2023-04 The 'subsecond' (or 'subsec') modifier alters resolutions # to at least milliseconds. Added for release 3.42.0 . datetest 18.2 {unixepoch('1970-01-01T00:00:00.1', 'subsec')} {0.1} datetest 18.3 {unixepoch('1970-01-01T00:00:00.2', 'subsecond')} {0.2} datetest 18.4 {julianday('-4713-11-24 13:40:48.864', 'subsec')} {0.07001} datetest 18.5 {typeof(unixepoch('now', 'subsecond'))} {real} finish_test