# 2001 September 15 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The # focus of this file is testing the CREATE TABLE statement. # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl # Create a basic table and verify it is added to sqlite_master # do_test table-1.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE test1 ( one varchar(10), two text ) } execsql { SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' } } {{CREATE TABLE test1 ( one varchar(10), two text )}} # Verify the other fields of the sqlite_master file. # do_test table-1.3 { execsql {SELECT name, tbl_name, type FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {test1 test1 table} # Close and reopen the database. Verify that everything is # still the same. # do_test table-1.4 { db close sqlite3 db test.db execsql {SELECT name, tbl_name, type from sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {test1 test1 table} # Drop the database and make sure it disappears. # do_test table-1.5 { execsql {DROP TABLE test1} execsql {SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {} # Close and reopen the database. Verify that the table is # still gone. # do_test table-1.6 { db close sqlite3 db test.db execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {} # Repeat the above steps, but this time quote the table name. # do_test table-1.10 { execsql {CREATE TABLE "create" (f1 int)} execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {create} do_test table-1.11 { execsql {DROP TABLE "create"} execsql {SELECT name FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE type!='meta'} } {} do_test table-1.12 { execsql {CREATE TABLE test1("f1 ho" int)} execsql {SELECT name as "X" FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {test1} do_test table-1.13 { execsql {DROP TABLE "TEST1"} execsql {SELECT name FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE type!='meta'} } {} # Verify that we cannot make two tables with the same name # do_test table-2.1 { execsql {CREATE TABLE TEST2(one text)} catchsql {CREATE TABLE test2(two text default 'hi')} } {1 {table test2 already exists}} do_test table-2.1.1 { catchsql {CREATE TABLE "test2" (two)} } {1 {table "test2" already exists}} do_test table-2.1b { set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE sqlite_master(two text)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {1 {object name reserved for internal use: sqlite_master}} do_test table-2.1c { db close sqlite3 db test.db set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE sqlite_master(two text)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {1 {object name reserved for internal use: sqlite_master}} do_test table-2.1d { catchsql {CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test2(x,y)} } {0 {}} do_test table-2.1e { catchsql {CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test2(x UNIQUE, y TEXT PRIMARY KEY)} } {0 {}} do_test table-2.1f { execsql {DROP TABLE test2; SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {} # Verify that we cannot make a table with the same name as an index # do_test table-2.2a { execsql {CREATE TABLE test2(one text)} execsql {CREATE INDEX test3 ON test2(one)} catchsql {CREATE TABLE test3(two text)} } {1 {there is already an index named test3}} do_test table-2.2b { db close sqlite3 db test.db set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE test3(two text)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {1 {there is already an index named test3}} do_test table-2.2c { execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' ORDER BY name} } {test2 test3} do_test table-2.2d { execsql {DROP INDEX test3} set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE test3(two text)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {0 {}} do_test table-2.2e { execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' ORDER BY name} } {test2 test3} do_test table-2.2f { execsql {DROP TABLE test2; DROP TABLE test3} execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' ORDER BY name} } {} # Create a table with many field names # set big_table \ {CREATE TABLE big( f1 varchar(20), f2 char(10), f3 varchar(30) primary key, f4 text, f5 text, f6 text, f7 text, f8 text, f9 text, f10 text, f11 text, f12 text, f13 text, f14 text, f15 text, f16 text, f17 text, f18 text, f19 text, f20 text )} do_test table-3.1 { execsql $big_table execsql {SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=='table'} } \{$big_table\} do_test table-3.2 { set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE BIG(xyz foo)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {1 {table BIG already exists}} do_test table-3.3 { set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE biG(xyz foo)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {1 {table biG already exists}} do_test table-3.4 { set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE bIg(xyz foo)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {1 {table bIg already exists}} do_test table-3.5 { db close sqlite3 db test.db set v [catch {execsql {CREATE TABLE Big(xyz foo)}} msg] lappend v $msg } {1 {table Big already exists}} do_test table-3.6 { execsql {DROP TABLE big} execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {} # Try creating large numbers of tables # set r {} for {set i 1} {$i<=100} {incr i} { lappend r [format test%03d $i] } do_test table-4.1 { for {set i 1} {$i<=100} {incr i} { set sql "CREATE TABLE [format test%03d $i] (" for {set k 1} {$k<$i} {incr k} { append sql "field$k text," } append sql "last_field text)" execsql $sql } execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' ORDER BY name} } $r do_test table-4.1b { db close sqlite3 db test.db execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' ORDER BY name} } $r # Drop the even numbered tables # set r {} for {set i 1} {$i<=100} {incr i 2} { lappend r [format test%03d $i] } do_test table-4.2 { for {set i 2} {$i<=100} {incr i 2} { # if {$i==38} {execsql {pragma vdbe_trace=on}} set sql "DROP TABLE [format TEST%03d $i]" execsql $sql } execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' ORDER BY name} } $r #exit # Drop the odd number tables # do_test table-4.3 { for {set i 1} {$i<=100} {incr i 2} { set sql "DROP TABLE [format test%03d $i]" execsql $sql } execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' ORDER BY name} } {} # Try to drop a table that does not exist # do_test table-5.1.1 { catchsql {DROP TABLE test009} } {1 {no such table: test009}} do_test table-5.1.2 { catchsql {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test009} } {0 {}} # Try to drop sqlite_master # do_test table-5.2 { catchsql {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_master} } {1 {table sqlite_master may not be dropped}} # Dropping sqlite_statN tables is OK. # do_test table-5.2.1 { db eval { ANALYZE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat3; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat4; SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name GLOB 'sqlite_stat*'; } } {} do_test table-5.2.2 { db close forcedelete test.db sqlite3 db test.db sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0 db eval { CREATE TABLE t0(a,b); CREATE INDEX t ON t0(a); PRAGMA writable_schema=ON; UPDATE sqlite_master SET sql='CREATE TABLE a.b(a UNIQUE'; BEGIN; CREATE TABLE t1(x); ROLLBACK; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t99; } } {} db close forcedelete test.db sqlite3 db test.db # Make sure an EXPLAIN does not really create a new table # do_test table-5.3 { ifcapable {explain} { execsql {EXPLAIN CREATE TABLE test1(f1 int)} } execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {} # Make sure an EXPLAIN does not really drop an existing table # do_test table-5.4 { execsql {CREATE TABLE test1(f1 int)} ifcapable {explain} { execsql {EXPLAIN DROP TABLE test1} } execsql {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta'} } {test1} # Create a table with a goofy name # #do_test table-6.1 { # execsql {CREATE TABLE 'Spaces In This Name!'(x int)} # execsql {INSERT INTO 'spaces in this name!' VALUES(1)} # set list [glob -nocomplain testdb/spaces*.tbl] #} {testdb/spaces+in+this+name+.tbl} # Try using keywords as table names or column names. # do_test table-7.1 { set v [catch {execsql { CREATE TABLE weird( desc text, asc text, key int, [14_vac] boolean, fuzzy_dog_12 varchar(10), begin blob, end clob ) }} msg] lappend v $msg } {0 {}} do_test table-7.2 { execsql { INSERT INTO weird VALUES('a','b',9,0,'xyz','hi','y''all'); SELECT * FROM weird; } } {a b 9 0 xyz hi y'all} do_test table-7.3 { execsql2 { SELECT * FROM weird; } } {desc a asc b key 9 14_vac 0 fuzzy_dog_12 xyz begin hi end y'all} do_test table-7.3 { execsql { CREATE TABLE savepoint(release); INSERT INTO savepoint(release) VALUES(10); UPDATE savepoint SET release = 5; SELECT release FROM savepoint; } } {5} # Try out the CREATE TABLE AS syntax # do_test table-8.1 { execsql2 { CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT * FROM weird; SELECT * FROM t2; } } {desc a asc b key 9 14_vac 0 fuzzy_dog_12 xyz begin hi end y'all} do_test table-8.1.1 { execsql { SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='t2'; } } {{CREATE TABLE t2( "desc" TEXT, "asc" TEXT, "key" INT, "14_vac" NUM, fuzzy_dog_12 TEXT, "begin", "end" TEXT )}} do_test table-8.2 { execsql { CREATE TABLE "t3""xyz"(a,b,c); INSERT INTO [t3"xyz] VALUES(1,2,3); SELECT * FROM [t3"xyz]; } } {1 2 3} do_test table-8.3 { execsql2 { CREATE TABLE [t4"abc] AS SELECT count(*) as cnt, max(b+c) FROM [t3"xyz]; SELECT * FROM [t4"abc]; } } {cnt 1 max(b+c) 5} # Update for v3: The declaration type of anything except a column is now a # NULL pointer, so the created table has no column types. (Changed result # from {{CREATE TABLE 't4"abc'(cnt NUMERIC,"max(b+c)" NUMERIC)}}). do_test table-8.3.1 { execsql { SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='t4"abc' } } {{CREATE TABLE "t4""abc"(cnt,"max(b+c)")}} ifcapable tempdb { do_test table-8.4 { execsql2 { CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t5 AS SELECT count(*) AS [y'all] FROM [t3"xyz]; SELECT * FROM t5; } } {y'all 1} } do_test table-8.5 { db close sqlite3 db test.db execsql2 { SELECT * FROM [t4"abc]; } } {cnt 1 max(b+c) 5} do_test table-8.6 { execsql2 { SELECT * FROM t2; } } {desc a asc b key 9 14_vac 0 fuzzy_dog_12 xyz begin hi end y'all} do_test table-8.7 { catchsql { SELECT * FROM t5; } } {1 {no such table: t5}} do_test table-8.8 { catchsql { CREATE TABLE t5 AS SELECT * FROM no_such_table; } } {1 {no such table: no_such_table}} do_test table-8.9 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t10("col.1" [char.3]); CREATE TABLE t11 AS SELECT * FROM t10; SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 't11'; } } {{CREATE TABLE t11("col.1" TEXT)}} do_test table-8.10 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t12( a INTEGER, b VARCHAR(10), c VARCHAR(1,10), d VARCHAR(+1,-10), e VARCHAR (+1,-10), f "VARCHAR (+1,-10, 5)", g BIG INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE t13 AS SELECT * FROM t12; SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 't13'; } } {{CREATE TABLE t13( a INT, b TEXT, c TEXT, d TEXT, e TEXT, f TEXT, g INT )}} # Make sure we cannot have duplicate column names within a table. # do_test table-9.1 { catchsql { CREATE TABLE t6(a,b,a); } } {1 {duplicate column name: a}} do_test table-9.2 { catchsql { CREATE TABLE t6(a varchar(100), b blob, a integer); } } {1 {duplicate column name: a}} # Check the foreign key syntax. # ifcapable {foreignkey} { do_test table-10.1 { catchsql { CREATE TABLE t6(a REFERENCES t4(a) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t6 VALUES(NULL); } } {1 {NOT NULL constraint failed: t6.a}} do_test table-10.2 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a REFERENCES t4(a) MATCH PARTIAL); } } {0 {}} do_test table-10.3 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a REFERENCES t4 MATCH FULL ON DELETE SET NULL NOT NULL); } } {0 {}} do_test table-10.4 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a REFERENCES t4 MATCH FULL ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT DEFAULT 1); } } {0 {}} do_test table-10.5 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a NOT NULL NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE); } } {0 {}} do_test table-10.6 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a NOT NULL DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED); } } {0 {}} do_test table-10.7 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a, FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES t4(b) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED ); } } {0 {}} do_test table-10.8 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a,b,c, FOREIGN KEY (b,c) REFERENCES t4(x,y) MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE SET NULL ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED ); } } {0 {}} do_test table-10.9 { catchsql { DROP TABLE t6; CREATE TABLE t6(a,b,c, FOREIGN KEY (b,c) REFERENCES t4(x) ); } } {1 {number of columns in foreign key does not match the number of columns in the referenced table}} do_test table-10.10 { catchsql {DROP TABLE t6} catchsql { CREATE TABLE t6(a,b,c, FOREIGN KEY (b,c) REFERENCES t4(x,y,z) ); } } {1 {number of columns in foreign key does not match the number of columns in the referenced table}} do_test table-10.11 { catchsql {DROP TABLE t6} catchsql { CREATE TABLE t6(a,b, c REFERENCES t4(x,y)); } } {1 {foreign key on c should reference only one column of table t4}} do_test table-10.12 { catchsql {DROP TABLE t6} catchsql { CREATE TABLE t6(a,b,c, FOREIGN KEY (b,x) REFERENCES t4(x,y) ); } } {1 {unknown column "x" in foreign key definition}} do_test table-10.13 { catchsql {DROP TABLE t6} catchsql { CREATE TABLE t6(a,b,c, FOREIGN KEY (x,b) REFERENCES t4(x,y) ); } } {1 {unknown column "x" in foreign key definition}} } ;# endif foreignkey # Test for the "typeof" function. More tests for the # typeof() function are found in bind.test and types.test. # do_test table-11.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t7( a integer primary key, b number(5,10), c character varying (8), d VARCHAR(9), e clob, f BLOB, g Text, h ); INSERT INTO t7(a) VALUES(1); SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c), typeof(d), typeof(e), typeof(f), typeof(g), typeof(h) FROM t7 LIMIT 1; } } {integer null null null null null null null} do_test table-11.2 { execsql { SELECT typeof(a+b), typeof(a||b), typeof(c+d), typeof(c||d) FROM t7 LIMIT 1; } } {null null null null} # Test that when creating a table using CREATE TABLE AS, column types are # assigned correctly for (SELECT ...) and 'x AS y' expressions. do_test table-12.1 { ifcapable subquery { execsql { CREATE TABLE t8 AS SELECT b, h, a as i, (SELECT f FROM t7) as j FROM t7; } } else { execsql { CREATE TABLE t8 AS SELECT b, h, a as i, f as j FROM t7; } } } {} do_test table-12.2 { execsql { SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = 't8' } } {{CREATE TABLE t8(b NUM,h,i INT,j)}} #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test cases table-13.* # # Test the ability to have default values of CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE # and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. # do_test table-13.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE tablet8( a integer primary key, tm text DEFAULT CURRENT_TIME, dt text DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE, dttm text DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); SELECT * FROM tablet8; } } {} set i 0 unset -nocomplain date time seconds foreach {date time seconds} { 1976-07-04 12:00:00 205329600 1994-04-16 14:00:00 766504800 2000-01-01 00:00:00 946684800 2003-12-31 12:34:56 1072874096 } { incr i set sqlite_current_time $seconds do_test table-13.2.$i { execsql " INSERT INTO tablet8(a) VALUES($i); SELECT tm, dt, dttm FROM tablet8 WHERE a=$i; " } [list $time $date [list $date $time]] } set sqlite_current_time 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test cases table-14.* # # Test that a table cannot be created or dropped while other virtual # machines are active. This is required because otherwise when in # auto-vacuum mode the btree-layer may need to move the root-pages of # a table for which there is an open cursor. # # 2007-05-02: A open btree cursor no longer blocks CREATE TABLE. # But DROP TABLE is still prohibited because we do not want to # delete a table out from under a running query. # # db eval { # pragma vdbe_trace = 0; # } # Try to create a table from within a callback: unset -nocomplain result do_test table-14.1 { set rc [ catch { db eval {SELECT * FROM tablet8 LIMIT 1} {} { db eval {CREATE TABLE t9(a, b, c)} } } msg ] set result [list $rc $msg] } {0 {}} # Try to drop a table from within a callback: do_test table-14.2 { set rc [ catch { db eval {SELECT * FROM tablet8 LIMIT 1} {} { db eval {DROP TABLE t9;} } } msg ] set result [list $rc $msg] } {1 {database table is locked}} ifcapable attach { # Now attach a database and ensure that a table can be created in the # attached database whilst in a callback from a query on the main database. do_test table-14.3 { forcedelete test2.db forcedelete test2.db-journal execsql { ATTACH 'test2.db' as aux; } db eval {SELECT * FROM tablet8 LIMIT 1} {} { db eval {CREATE TABLE aux.t1(a, b, c)} } } {} # On the other hand, it should be impossible to drop a table when any VMs # are active. This is because VerifyCookie instructions may have already # been executed, and btree root-pages may not move after this (which a # delete table might do). do_test table-14.4 { set rc [ catch { db eval {SELECT * FROM tablet8 LIMIT 1} {} { db eval {DROP TABLE aux.t1;} } } msg ] set result [list $rc $msg] } {1 {database table is locked}} } # Create and drop 2000 tables. This is to check that the balance_shallow() # routine works correctly on the sqlite_master table. At one point it # contained a bug that would prevent the right-child pointer of the # child page from being copied to the root page. # do_test table-15.1 { execsql {BEGIN} for {set i 0} {$i<2000} {incr i} { execsql "CREATE TABLE tbl$i (a, b, c)" } execsql {COMMIT} } {} do_test table-15.2 { execsql {BEGIN} for {set i 0} {$i<2000} {incr i} { execsql "DROP TABLE tbl$i" } execsql {COMMIT} } {} # Ticket 3a88d85f36704eebe134f7f48aebf00cd6438c1a (2014-08-05) # The following SQL script segfaults while running the INSERT statement: # # CREATE TABLE t1(x DEFAULT(max(1))); # INSERT INTO t1(rowid) VALUES(1); # # The problem appears to be the use of an aggregate function as part of # the default value for a column. This problem has been in the code since # at least 2006-01-01 and probably before that. This problem was detected # and reported on the sqlite-users@sqlite.org mailing list by Zsbán Ambrus. # do_execsql_test table-16.1 { CREATE TABLE t16(x DEFAULT(max(1))); INSERT INTO t16(x) VALUES(123); SELECT rowid, x FROM t16; } {1 123} do_catchsql_test table-16.2 { INSERT INTO t16(rowid) VALUES(4); } {1 {unknown function: max()}} do_execsql_test table-16.3 { DROP TABLE t16; CREATE TABLE t16(x DEFAULT(abs(1))); INSERT INTO t16(rowid) VALUES(4); SELECT rowid, x FROM t16; } {4 1} do_catchsql_test table-16.4 { DROP TABLE t16; CREATE TABLE t16(x DEFAULT(avg(1))); INSERT INTO t16(rowid) VALUES(123); SELECT rowid, x FROM t16; } {1 {unknown function: avg()}} do_catchsql_test table-16.5 { DROP TABLE t16; CREATE TABLE t16(x DEFAULT(count())); INSERT INTO t16(rowid) VALUES(123); SELECT rowid, x FROM t16; } {1 {unknown function: count()}} do_catchsql_test table-16.6 { DROP TABLE t16; CREATE TABLE t16(x DEFAULT(group_concat('x',','))); INSERT INTO t16(rowid) VALUES(123); SELECT rowid, x FROM t16; } {1 {unknown function: group_concat()}} do_catchsql_test table-16.7 { INSERT INTO t16 DEFAULT VALUES; } {1 {unknown function: group_concat()}} # Ticket [https://www.sqlite.org/src/info/094d39a4c95ee4abbc417f04214617675ba15c63] # describes a assertion fault that occurs on a CREATE TABLE .. AS SELECT statement. # the following test verifies that the problem has been fixed. # do_execsql_test table-17.1 { DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT); INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES(1),(2); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2; CREATE TABLE t2(x TEXT, y TEXT); INSERT INTO t2(x,y) VALUES(3,4); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t3; CREATE TABLE t3 AS SELECT a AS p, coalesce(y,a) AS q FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON a=x; SELECT p, q, '|' FROM t3 ORDER BY p; } {1 1 | 2 2 |} # 2015-06-16 # Ticket [https://www.sqlite.org/src/tktview/873cae2b6e25b1991ce5e9b782f9cd0409b96063] # Make sure a CREATE TABLE AS statement correctly rolls back partial changes to the # sqlite_master table when the SELECT on the right-hand side aborts. # do_catchsql_test table-18.1 { DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; BEGIN; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT zeroblob(2e20); } {1 {string or blob too big}} do_execsql_test table-18.2 { COMMIT; PRAGMA integrity_check; } {ok} # 2015-09-09 # Ticket [https://www.sqlite.org/src/info/acd12990885d9276] # "CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... FROM sqlite_master" fails because the row # in the sqlite_master table for the next table is initially populated # with a NULL instead of a record created by OP_Record. # do_execsql_test table-19.1 { CREATE TABLE t19 AS SELECT * FROM sqlite_master; SELECT name FROM t19 ORDER BY name; } {{} savepoint t10 t11 t12 t13 t16 t2 t3 t3\"xyz t4\"abc t7 t8 t9 tablet8 test1 weird} finish_test