
276 lines
6.7 KiB

# Run this script using TCLSH to do a speed comparison between
# various versions of SQLite and PostgreSQL and MySQL
# Run a test
set cnt 1
proc runtest {title} {
global cnt
set sqlfile test$cnt.sql
puts "<h2>Test $cnt: $title</h2>"
incr cnt
set fd [open $sqlfile r]
set sql [string trim [read $fd [file size $sqlfile]]]
close $fd
set sx [split $sql \n]
set n [llength $sx]
if {$n>8} {
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<3} {incr i} {append sql [lindex $sx $i]<br>\n}
append sql "<i>... [expr {$n-6}] lines omitted</i><br>\n"
for {set i [expr {$n-3}]} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
append sql [lindex $sx $i]<br>\n
} else {
regsub -all \n [string trim $sql] <br> sql
puts "<blockquote>"
puts "$sql"
puts "</blockquote><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
set format {<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%.3f</td></tr>}
set delay 1000
# exec sync; after $delay;
# set t [time "exec psql drh <$sqlfile" 1]
# set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
# puts [format $format PostgreSQL: $t]
exec sync; after $delay;
set t [time "exec mysql -f drh <$sqlfile" 1]
set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
puts [format $format MySQL: $t]
# set t [time "exec ./sqlite232 s232.db <$sqlfile" 1]
# set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
# puts [format $format {SQLite 2.3.2:} $t]
# set t [time "exec ./sqlite-100 s100.db <$sqlfile" 1]
# set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
# puts [format $format {SQLite 2.4 (cache=100):} $t]
exec sync; after $delay;
set t [time "exec ./sqlite248 s2k.db <$sqlfile" 1]
set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
puts [format $format {SQLite 2.4.8:} $t]
exec sync; after $delay;
set t [time "exec ./sqlite248 sns.db <$sqlfile" 1]
set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
puts [format $format {SQLite 2.4.8 (nosync):} $t]
exec sync; after $delay;
set t [time "exec ./sqlite2412 s2kb.db <$sqlfile" 1]
set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
puts [format $format {SQLite 2.4.12:} $t]
exec sync; after $delay;
set t [time "exec ./sqlite2412 snsb.db <$sqlfile" 1]
set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
puts [format $format {SQLite 2.4.12 (nosync):} $t]
# set t [time "exec ./sqlite-t1 st1.db <$sqlfile" 1]
# set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.0}]
# puts [format $format {SQLite 2.4 (test):} $t]
puts "</table>"
# Initialize the environment
expr srand(1)
catch {exec /bin/sh -c {rm -f s*.db}}
set fd [open clear.sql w]
puts $fd {
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
close $fd
catch {exec psql drh <clear.sql}
catch {exec mysql drh <clear.sql}
set fd [open 2kinit.sql w]
puts $fd {
PRAGMA default_cache_size=2000;
PRAGMA default_synchronous=on;
close $fd
exec ./sqlite248 s2k.db <2kinit.sql
exec ./sqlite2412 s2kb.db <2kinit.sql
set fd [open nosync-init.sql w]
puts $fd {
PRAGMA default_cache_size=2000;
PRAGMA default_synchronous=off;
close $fd
exec ./sqlite248 sns.db <nosync-init.sql
exec ./sqlite2412 snsb.db <nosync-init.sql
set ones {zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
eighteen nineteen}
set tens {{} ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety}
proc number_name {n} {
if {$n>=1000} {
set txt "[number_name [expr {$n/1000}]] thousand"
set n [expr {$n%1000}]
} else {
set txt {}
if {$n>=100} {
append txt " [lindex $::ones [expr {$n/100}]] hundred"
set n [expr {$n%100}]
if {$n>=20} {
append txt " [lindex $::tens [expr {$n/10}]]"
set n [expr {$n%10}]
if {$n>0} {
append txt " [lindex $::ones $n]"
set txt [string trim $txt]
if {$txt==""} {set txt zero}
return $txt
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd "CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));"
for {set i 1} {$i<=1000} {incr i} {
set r [expr {int(rand()*100000)}]
puts $fd "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($i,$r,'[number_name $r]');"
close $fd
runtest {1000 INSERTs}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd "BEGIN;"
puts $fd "CREATE TABLE t2(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));"
for {set i 1} {$i<=25000} {incr i} {
set r [expr {int(rand()*500000)}]
puts $fd "INSERT INTO t2 VALUES($i,$r,'[number_name $r]');"
puts $fd "COMMIT;"
close $fd
runtest {25000 INSERTs in a transaction}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
for {set i 0} {$i<100} {incr i} {
set lwr [expr {$i*100}]
set upr [expr {($i+10)*100}]
puts $fd "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=$lwr AND b<$upr;"
close $fd
runtest {100 SELECTs without an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
for {set i 1} {$i<=100} {incr i} {
puts $fd "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE '%[number_name $i]%';"
close $fd
runtest {100 SELECTs on a string comparison}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd {CREATE INDEX i2a ON t2(a);}
puts $fd {CREATE INDEX i2b ON t2(b);}
close $fd
runtest {Creating an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
for {set i 0} {$i<5000} {incr i} {
set lwr [expr {$i*100}]
set upr [expr {($i+1)*100}]
puts $fd "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=$lwr AND b<$upr;"
close $fd
runtest {5000 SELECTs with an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd "BEGIN;"
for {set i 0} {$i<1000} {incr i} {
set lwr [expr {$i*10}]
set upr [expr {($i+1)*10}]
puts $fd "UPDATE t1 SET b=b*2 WHERE a>=$lwr AND a<$upr;"
puts $fd "COMMIT;"
close $fd
runtest {1000 UPDATEs without an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd "BEGIN;"
for {set i 1} {$i<=25000} {incr i} {
set r [expr {int(rand()*500000)}]
puts $fd "UPDATE t2 SET b=$r WHERE a=$i;"
puts $fd "COMMIT;"
close $fd
runtest {25000 UPDATEs with an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd "BEGIN;"
for {set i 1} {$i<=25000} {incr i} {
set r [expr {int(rand()*500000)}]
puts $fd "UPDATE t2 SET c='[number_name $r]' WHERE a=$i;"
puts $fd "COMMIT;"
close $fd
runtest {25000 text UPDATEs with an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd "BEGIN;"
puts $fd "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t2;"
puts $fd "INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1;"
puts $fd "COMMIT;"
close $fd
runtest {INSERTs from a SELECT}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd {DELETE FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE '%fifty%';}
close $fd
runtest {DELETE without an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd {DELETE FROM t2 WHERE a>10 AND a<20000;}
close $fd
runtest {DELETE with an index}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd {INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1;}
close $fd
runtest {A big INSERT after a big DELETE}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd {BEGIN;}
puts $fd {DELETE FROM t1;}
for {set i 1} {$i<=3000} {incr i} {
set r [expr {int(rand()*100000)}]
puts $fd "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($i,$r,'[number_name $r]');"
puts $fd {COMMIT;}
close $fd
runtest {A big DELETE followed by many small INSERTs}
set fd [open test$cnt.sql w]
puts $fd {DROP TABLE t1;}
puts $fd {DROP TABLE t2;}
close $fd
runtest {DROP TABLE}